New England interior design and home decor | Saltwater Cottage interior design and home decor projects
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DIY / 23.04.2017

One of the first changes I couldn't wait to make on our house was our front door color. My mom always told me that your front door should be the focal point of your home and that it should be warm and inviting. Not only is it a great way to make your home more inviting but it's also one of the easiest and budget-friendly ways to give your home a boost in curb appeal. When we first moved in, our front door was painted a burgundy color which wasn't...

Uncategorized / 18.04.2017

The living room in our house is one that we really don't use all that much right now which is why it's the first before & after I'm sharing because it's free of toys and can be easily photographed. :P However, I've found it to be a perfect spot for reading or blogging at night when the kids are in bed. When we first moved in, the room was painted in a creamy, yellow-y, off-white color and the fire place was in it's original state from when the house...

Uncategorized / 13.04.2017

Home by Grace is back and under a new name: Graceful Farmhouse. The main reason for the name change was for technical reasons. My last blog name was hosted through Wordpress and wasn't an actual available .com domain name so I had to find one that I could purchase to be my own. The other reason for the name change is that Graceful Farmhouse is a better fit for describing the style of this blog and my design style. I love to decorate my home in a farmhouse style...