New England interior design and home decor | It’s A New Year
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It’s A New Year

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! We hosted Christmas Eve this year which wasn’t our first year doing so but it was our first time hosting with a baby and it went much more smoothly than anticipated. The hubby was a great big help whether it was running errands, cleaning the house or just helping get the little guy napping. It was great having him around the few days prior to prepare! 🙂 Christmas Day we got a bit of a break from hosting and went over my in-law’s house.

After Christmas, we took a family trip out to western Mass to visit Hobby Lobby. It was my first time to the actual store (I visit their website frequently) and it is awesome! It’s like a Michaels, only better!! If you’re into crafts and DIYs then you should try to find one and check it out. I had a blast! I just wish there was one closer. They have a great website but I have this weird thing about paying for shipping. I refuse to pay for shipping. I like to take advantage of free shipping offers whenever possible. I make a few exceptions like that champagne tree you can find on my Christmas Home Tour but only because I got a great deal so it was worth it. I scored a ton of great deals on their after Christmas sale where everything was 80% off and also this framed wall art that quotes one of the greatest old hymns, Amazing Grace. Can’t wait to hang it!

hobby lobby amazing grace wall art, anthropologie monogram mug, gold scissors, elements of style erin gates book

You can see one of my Christmas gifts from the hubs, this awesome book, Elements of Style. It’s a book about home decor/interior design and I can’t wait to read it. I must admit, one of the reasons I wanted the book is because it just looks beautiful! The author, Erin Gates (who is also from Boston by the way) did an awesome job designing the cover. This is better designed than most (if not all) of my college Graphic Design books. Stunning!

hobby lobby amazing grace wall art, anthropologie monogram mug, gold scissors, elements of style erin gates book

We took it easy for New Year’s, staying in watching the ball drop from our couch. I was getting over a respiratory infection so staying in was probably best. We’ve been hit hard lately with colds. As soon as I got over the infection, I got a head cold and so did Andrew. I couldn’t help but think of that Nyquil commercial that says “Dad’s [Mom’s in this case] don’t get sick days.”  It’s so true! Glad to be feeling better though and hope to write more posts in the new year! 🙂

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